Affiliate Referral Program

Rosineer Affiliate Referral Program offers an opportunity for people or businesses to earn a commission on purchases made at our site.

What will I get?

  • You will earn a 5% commission back from all purchases made by customers on our site when the customers were referred to us through your links.
  • Your customers can automatically get 5% OFF for purchasing from the coupon link you share with them.

How do I get started?

  1. First, you need to create your affiliate account by filling out Rosineer Affiliate registration form and wait for our approval email. If the link doesn't work for you, please copy this address: Make sure to save your password.

    Rosineer Affiliate Referral Program

  2. Log in to your account and get your tracking links, coupons, if applicable, and banners.

    Rosineer Affiliate Referral Info

    Rosineer Affiliate Referral Program Banners

  3. Place image banners and/or post personalized coupon codes on your website or social media, link them to our site using the tracking links.
  4. Wait for your customers to make purchases at our store. You can track all your referral purchases as well as commission amounts at your account Orders page.
  5. Once your total commission reaches $100, Rosineer will send you a check. Please note that, in accordance with IRS requirements, you have to fill out a current W-9 form ( and submit it to us for proper accounting purposes.